Cockroach Mentality to Keep Forward
Talking about life, problem always come without any notifications before and you should aware of it. Some people maybe surrender or give up after getting so many problems in life and it sounds grieve. You also perhaps face similar thing, but it could be better if you have cockroach mentality to keep forward wherever you are.
Perhaps, it is a bit icky and tickle when discussing about cockroach. Many people especially woman always scream out when seeing that creature. But, there are a lot of magical things owned by cockroach and you should learn from. For instance, it is hard to die even sprayed by anti-insect spray or punched. In a simple way, this animal can adapt anywhere with any condition. That is why a cockroach mentality comes from.
Some people perhaps say it as cockroach mindset, sounds similar to cockroach mentality. Both are something good and you should apply on your mind. You can make better for yourself and for others.
What is cockroach mentality?
Cockroach mentality is where you have to survive in any condition, it means in bad or good moment you should be ready. People including you should have this mentality because it totally defends you from anything against you. No matter any problem come to you, just face it.
Usually, cockroach mentality is applied in Startup because there is dynamic ambience without any certainty. People should be aware of change and better to survive on it. For example, it focuses to create A on this week, but it will change to focus creating B next month. Looks simple but should be adaptable, doesn’t it?
In addition to apply in Startup, it is also possible for other working space such as corporate or government area because challenge always come anytime. Like in Startup, a corporate will have to face some challenges and perhaps it has no solution before. That’s why cockroach mentality is totally needed to apply.
Remember that cockroach mentality to keep forward and everyone should has in mind. If you still don’t believe, then you just need to wait and feel it later. Afterwards, you will believe especially because something happen to you is possible to solve.
Talking about cockroach mentality, you can apply also to solve problems happened in the past. Perhaps it is not your responsibility but you have to fix without any exception. Just accept the condition and try to solve slowly but surely, as long as you are persistent, then it will work.
First thing to do is trust yourself. You should trust that you can solve even though no assists around you. Then do it slowly but surely, as long as you keep patient and persistent, it will give the good result in the end.
That is about cockroach mentality that keeping you forward.
Want to move forward by applying cockroach mentality?