Teach Language to Your Kids is Better Idea

Ikhsan Bani Bukhori
2 min readAug 12, 2022


When you have kids, you probably feel confused to teach language to them, especially if you speak more than one language. Usually if you speak your native language and English, it is great thing to transmit the ability of languages. It will much better if you are able to talk in more than two, perhaps local language or other language. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Teach language to kids

Imagine you speak Indonesian, English and Javanese, one of local language, then it becomes a great supply of speaking ability. Teach language to your kids using local first, then Indonesian and English will be the next. But it is also possible to teach two languages at the same time.

If you choose to teach language to your kids at same time, it is good but they need more time to speak both, since there are two languages should be understood simultaneously. But it you teach one by one, it is also good things to apply.

Probably the concern is about local language as many parent don’t teach local language to the kids. They feel that English and national language, for example Indonesian is good to practice. But local language can be extinct if not continued by next generation, such as your kids.

Learning language has nothing to lose at all since you have more soft skills and perhaps it can be your occupation in the future. That will be a great achievement. Perhaps you may open Javanese-English translation, something never available before. Great, isn’t it?

Besides, local language should be survived and you, also your kids become the one who keep speaking it.

Sometimes, people feel a bit shy when speaking local language, but it shouldn’t be. Keep speaking and teach language to your kids.

You can teach language to your kids directly from you or using online method like this. As you know, there are a lot of source to learn something currently.

So, do you agree that teaching language to your kids is better idea?



Ikhsan Bani Bukhori
Ikhsan Bani Bukhori

Written by Ikhsan Bani Bukhori

Interested in Startup life, Traveling and Writing.

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